See what's new in child health and Paediatrics.


Child Health Education & Revalidation

Senior Paediatricians, trainees, General Practitioners, nurses and medical students should expect to have their knowledge and practice enhanced by a CHER learning event. The majority of these are directed at frontline workers and provide new insights and updates on illnesses and problems most frequently encountered in childhood. Underpinning the CHER program is the high level of experience, expertise and a strong desire to share that has always been the ethos of the Paediatric community across the North East. This asset has enabled CHER, now an Educational Trust, to offer high quality, accessible and affordable learning. CHER also supports the work of young people evaluating routine clinical practice and seeking quality improvement in health delivery.

What are CHER days?

We provide up to 10 CHER days each year. They provide up to date information on the range of clinical issues most often met by general practitioners, trainees, general Paediatricians, nurses and other health care professionals working as first or second responders. They provide a good opportunity for specialists who need to deal with these issues within their practice both as matters of differential diagnosis and as acutely arising events in diagnosed patients. For more information on our CHER days, please click on the button below

Great North Paediatric Conference

The Great North Paediatric Conference is a unique opportunity for continued medical education for Paediatricians both general and specialist and all trainees, GPs and AHPs. This year we will be presenting 32 speakers and you will be able to opt for topics of most benefit to your practice. There will be six plenary sessions for the whole group where new innovations or the unique clinical life experience of a senior specialist can be shared. We have also dedicated an afternoon to child safe-guarding.

This year our conference is 15th & 16th September 2022 at Civic Centre, Newcastle Upon Tyne.  

For further information on the schedule and to book your place please click the button below

You can now book your CHER place online!

To book your place on the CHER conference or on one of the CHER days please click on the appropriate button below which will take you to our online booking and payment form.
Great North Paediatric Conference
Year 0
attendees to events